Craig Edwards

Craig Edwards

Recent Posts

Social media ideas for COVID-19

Posted by Craig Edwards on Apr 15, 2020 4:43:31 PM
Communication is always key, and now it’s even more critical than ever before. There’s both the necessary messaging as well as other more general ways to connect with your audience and ...

Topics: content marketing, brand in crisis, brand communication, "social media"

Our top 5 tips to keep on Marketing during the Covid-19 virus Pandemic

Posted by Craig Edwards on Mar 25, 2020 1:24:54 PM
While business & industries has now dramatically changed, history has shown that marketing during tough times can divide the long-term winners and losers, well beyond the crisis. During ...

Topics: content marketing, marketing strategy, blogs, key messages, communication strategy, company news, brand in crisis, brand communication

Keeping your customers well informed in a time of crisis is so important and an absolute must

Posted by Craig Edwards on Mar 18, 2020 8:53:01 AM
Especially relevant if there are operational, service, production or logistic changes that are going to be different and if your business is mostly customer facing. How are you going to ...

Topics: communication strategy, company news, brand in crisis, brand communication

Why Automation is a must have for businesses of any size

Posted by Craig Edwards on Jul 24, 2019 9:36:37 AM
Businesses that use automation have seen increased leads and sales, driving a 14%1 in sales productivity and 12% reduction in marketing overheads. For marketing professionals and business ...

Topics: content marketing, marketing strategy, marketing, Creative, strategy, branding, websites, marketing automation, automation

Be Different. How not to be Same-Same and Get Cut Through.

Posted by Craig Edwards on May 6, 2019 4:30:54 PM
It’s alarming that many businesses still market themselves by their service offering only. While that used to be ok back in the days of phone books and yellow pages, in today’s competitive, ...

Topics: competitive advantage, marketing, brand design, Creative, strategy, branding

When is it time to rebrand?

Posted by Craig Edwards on Mar 12, 2019 3:09:39 PM
It is a great question! Just by raising the question, then in the back of your mind, you must know something isn’t quite right and something needs to change. But what part needs to change? ...

Topics: brand strategy, rebrand, rebranding, brand design, brand development, Creative, branding

Our Top 10 reasons why Inbound Marketing is great for business

Posted by Craig Edwards on Jul 6, 2018 10:30:00 AM
Back in the day, marketing was very disjointed with lots of things done in isolation. Not any more. With more and more digital / online marketing channels coming out of the wood works, it's ...

Topics: Integrated Marketing, digital marketing, Inbound Marketing, content marketing, marketing, strategy

Important Google SSL updates and your website security

Posted by Craig Edwards on Jul 3, 2018 7:00:00 AM
As of this month, fom July 1st 2018, Google will start displaying websites as 'non-secure' - if your website does not have an SSL Certificate applied to your website. To find out more about ...

Topics: website fix, website security,, ssl certificates, websites