Craig Edwards

Craig Edwards

Recent Posts

Is your website a dinghy or a trawler?!

Posted by Craig Edwards on Jun 18, 2018 9:58:04 AM
Since the inception of websites, we’ve seen so many businesses just design (or apply a template) and build a website, without understanding or caring about what is fundamentally needed and ...

Topics: search engine optimisation, website fix, website, digital marketing, websites

Demystifying Digital - Make Your Marketing Work Harder

Posted by Craig Edwards on Nov 14, 2017 9:26:00 AM
Make it earn its keep. Measurement based Marketing with Technology. With digital being the main focus today as well as constant technology innovations - it’s hard to keep up isn’t it? ...

When is it time to move on from your e-commerce platform? 5 signs you need to move on..

Posted by Craig Edwards on Aug 17, 2017 1:10:00 PM
Getting an e-commerce store these days is as easy as going online, choosing a pre-existing template, punching in a credit card and BOOM! - you’re on your way! Many templates are great for ...

Understanding your brand

Posted by Craig Edwards on May 2, 2017 12:53:00 PM
We see it often, brands that have mixed messages and inconsistent or disjointed imagery - this happens when brands lack understanding about themselves and their audience.

Topics: rebrand, rebranding, brand design, brand development, Creative, branding

Where Brands Fail & Where Brands Shine!

Posted by Craig Edwards on Jan 31, 2017 12:47:00 PM
Building strong brands is an evolutionary process. It takes time, ideally some consumer insights and research and many factors need to be considered. Until recently, a lot of businesses ...