Is your website a dinghy or a trawler?!

Posted by Craig Edwards on Jun 18, 2018 9:58:04 AM
Since the inception of websites, we’ve seen so many businesses just design (or apply a template) and build a website, without understanding or caring about what is fundamentally needed and ...

Topics: search engine optimisation, website fix, website, digital marketing, websites

Why Inbound Marketing is more Effective than Outbound Marketing

Posted by Natalie Potter on Jun 12, 2018 1:45:35 PM
Inbound marketing is a technique for attracting customers to your products and services through content. Using Inbound marketing, customers find you when they need you, rather than you ...

Topics: Integrated Marketing, Inbound Marketing, marketing strategy, marketing, marketing team, strategy

6 Planning Tips for a Strong Marketing Strategy in 2018

Posted by Natalie Potter on Dec 6, 2017 4:32:51 PM
As you consider 2018 planning and your marketing priorities for the new year, it’s important to reflect on marketing trends and insights to assess how to invest in activities that will be ...

Topics: marketing strategy, marketing, strategy

Demystifying Digital - Make Your Marketing Work Harder

Posted by Craig Edwards on Nov 14, 2017 9:26:00 AM
Make it earn its keep. Measurement based Marketing with Technology. With digital being the main focus today as well as constant technology innovations - it’s hard to keep up isn’t it? ...

Why is integrated marketing more important than 
ever before?

Posted by Natalie Potter on Oct 20, 2017 3:21:00 PM
While integrated marketing has been understood as the most effective strategy for marketing since the 70’s, the digital landscape has completely changed marketing’s potential for ...

Topics: Integrated Marketing, marketing, brand development, Creative, strategy, branding

BEAM’s top 5 ways to out-smart and out-perform your competitors.

Posted by Natalie Potter on Sep 25, 2017 1:12:00 PM
A competitive advantage provides an edge over rivals and is key to out-performing your competitors. It provides the ability to generate greater value in sales, increase your community of ...

Topics: marketing strategy, competitor marketing, marketing, strategy

When is it time to move on from your e-commerce platform? 5 signs you need to move on..

Posted by Craig Edwards on Aug 17, 2017 1:10:00 PM
Getting an e-commerce store these days is as easy as going online, choosing a pre-existing template, punching in a credit card and BOOM! - you’re on your way! Many templates are great for ...

SEO vs PPC Which one is Better?

Posted by Natalie Potter on Jul 4, 2017 1:08:00 PM
Traffic is your website's bread and butter, you can't convert if you don't have visitors flowing through your cyber door. We are often asked about organic and paid search, ie. "which is ...

Topics: marketing, websites