Why content is King, but Marketing is Queen.

Posted by Natalie Potter on Nov 8, 2018 9:54:48 AM
Natalie Potter
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The 7 MUST DO’s of Content Marketing to Nurture Awareness 
& Drive Sales.

As they say, Content is King for digital marketing – yet creating content that is not seen, will not win your business the crown. The winning formula is quality, authentic content that is marketed & share-able so it nurtures sales. And this, is where you bring in the Queen (Marketing) to ensure your content is duly promoted. 

While content needs to be useful and interesting for your customers (blogs, video, infographics, webinars, podcasts, downloads) - whatever you generate, ensure your content is marketed. Without marketing your content & efforts you will not reap the rewards your business deserves. To understand how to market your content - see our guidelines below; 


Content Marketing Guidelines for the King and Queen –
of any business:

Content in any shape or form can drive interest and traffic to your website & in doing so increase your ranking in Google. All great for visibility online as well as engagement and keeping your consumers on the site for longer, however make sure you work your content in the following ways:

The 7 MUST DO’s of Content Marketing;

1. Optimise your content for SEO – on each page within your website – do this by having at least 300 words on page, include keywords in copy and on visuals, and add internal links to other content within your website – all tactics to help with optimisation.

2. Share it and share it again – whether it’s in the form of a blog post, video or PDF download – place your content on your blog/video page or news pages and share it in all forms of relevant social media. If the content is genuinely good, users will pause to consume the content, understand the brand message and ideally even comment, like or share your content.

3. Reinforce your content by also sharing it directly with your community of current customers via your e-newsletters.

4. Make sure it’s seen – Boost your important posts and their content in social – even if only $10 a week - to increase the reach and engagement potential with ideal new potential customers. Without boosting in Facebook for example, you are limiting your reach by 90%.

5. Give your content real legs & generate new leads/sales – good content gives its audience an opportunity to engage; bringing about brand awareness, authority and potentially sales. People value good content and will provide their contact details for worthy information. Use content as an opportunity to capture your customer’s data (email, phone etc) in order to market to them again in future.

6. Increase your standing in the minds of your customers – Quality content that adds value is better received because it solves problems in your customer’s everyday lives. Content that adds value by educating customers on the product/service via 'how-to' blog posts, instructional videos and webinars are ideal for adding value to your brand/business.

7. Pure promotion – If it has the potential, turn your content into a promotional campaign; advertise it via social or as digital ads and then lead interested visitors to a dedicated landing page for leads or better still sales. 

If you need professional assistance with your content marketing,
please book a 1 hour marketing review

Book a chat with Nat

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Topics: search engine optimisation, digital marketing, content marketing, marketing, blogs

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