Top 5 Marketing Tips: Easy Ways to Market Your Business in 2019

Posted by Natalie Potter on Feb 7, 2019 1:02:28 PM
Natalie Potter
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The digital world brings many opportunities to market your business online. While it’s easy to get online, marketing your product or service effectively however, is something many businesses struggle with. 

BEAM has put together our top 5 list of useful marketing tips for you to market successfully and stand out from the crowd in 2019.


A website that converts!

Websites are an online representation of your brand and who your company is - its story, its point-of-difference and so on. It must communicate both visually and with great content so your customers want to know more! Offering an informative, user-friendly website is the key. To make it truly stand out, ensure it includes important key messages and add personality so it’s unique. Refrain from template or cookie cutter type websites for best results.  Make sure your potential customers can find their way around your site easily - with 'call-to-actions' located in visible places. Insert ‘next step’ call-to-actions also so that you ‘lead’ the user through to becoming a customer.

TIP: Ensure your website is optimised with great SEO, as well as paid Google ads for customers to be able to find you online - especially when searching for the types of products or services that you provide.




Get social with it

Every company should have a voice, and these days the easiest & cheapest way is on social media. Make sure to set up your company’s account on the platforms that your potential customers use. For example; LinkedIn for professional services or Instagram/Facebook and/or Pinterest for consumer brands. Once established, plan out your social media posts over a given month so you can promote meaningful posts in a sequential way.

TIP: Remember to link your posts back to your website to encourage traffic to your site and use boosting facilities to increase reach and engagement.


Email is far from being dead. In fact, it's still one of the most effective ways of keeping in touch with your past, current or potential customers. Make your emails regular and exciting. Don’t write emails only geared to sales with lots of product pictures - instead ensure your newsletters include useful information that your customers will find valuable to read.

Aim to understand who your customer is and what they like, then write about something they will find interesting. Of course, a new product announcement or a special/promotion should be included in your newsletters also. 

TIP: Readers are time poor. Include an intro to each story and then link them to your website for more information. When on the web page, lead them through a ‘next step’ to nuture eg. a download, a video to watch, a webinar or book a meeting request!





Most businesses now have an active blog on their website. You don’t actually need to be a full-time blogger or have a content marketing team to share useful information. Having a blog section will provide dividends - not just giving you credibility as the expert in your field, but also in boosting that important SEO of your website.

TIP: Make sure your blogs include keywords and meta tags to increase your chances of your business being found online. The more content, the better for Google!

Client database

Keeping your databases up-to-date and organised is crucial for effective communications with your customers. It is better to have 200 active, engaged customers than 2000 recipients with zero open rates. To drive success with direct marketing - both inbound or outbound - have a user-friendly CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) system for managing all your contacts.

TIP: Integrate a CRM system with your emails to get notifications of when prospects open your email, what content they’ve viewed, set reminders for follow-ups and more! Take a look at HubSpot’s CRM program which is free.





Networking can be daunting, but some of the best connections for business are made in person, and some of the best opportunities arise when you meet like-minded people. Attending events in your area or industry and networking with other business owners or potential customers will create connections and referrals, while getting exposure for your business.  

TIP: Take business cards. They still work and help represent you and your business beyond the 5 minute chat and handshake.


These 5 fundamentals will help any business big or small in the following ways;

  • Your business will be found online via a website with good content that converts

  • Your business will get exposure via e-comms, social media and networking

  • Your content will give your business credibility and search-ability

  • Your sales will improve with a website that converts and a CRM system that fosters and automates sales.

Need help to work out what marketing your business needs?

Book a free 1/2 hour marketing assessment with Natalie

Topics: website, content marketing, brand strategy, marketing strategy, marketing, marketing team, blogging, strategy

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