Social media ideas for COVID-19

Written by Craig Edwards | Apr 15, 2020 6:43:31 AM

Communication is always key, and now it’s even more critical than ever before. There’s both the necessary messaging as well as other more general ways to connect with your audience and foster your community and/or customers. 

Social media is by far the quickest, greatest reaching and most immediate platform you can use.

Below are BEAM’s 5 quick tips to use social media during this time; 

1. Important Announcements.

If news is changing regularly and rapidly, social media is a great forum to get information out quickly and far reaching. The platforms you use will depend on your audiences; Facebook (customers, influencers, general community), Twitter (media and general community) & LinkedIn (business community).
Facebook can show LIVE video updates and Twitter is ideal for 2-3 line emergency statements for serious weather alerts for example.

2. Business as usual?

With the uncertainty of business trading, if your business can operate, let your customers know.
Ideas to ensure the message gets through and you’re adequately informing your customers may include;

1. Information on how business is operating - your opening hours/days of week.
2.  How you’re now interacting with clients; online, through glass panels, phone, email, deliveries, terms and conditions.
3. Staff changes 
4. Online purchase options; is it all online or partially, delivery options, different locations.

3. Walk the Talk

If you're still operating - show how you’ve adapted the business to comply within the new environment. For example;

    1. Show how you’re combating the virus for staff and customers 
    2. Show how you’re adjusting services or products to serve and help.


4. Provide Help

Many businesses and people are struggling, both personally and within their business. Now more than ever, people of all walks of life need some form of support or assistance. If your business can provide help - that time is now. Show how your company or brand can give back and provide welcomed assistance.  After it's all said and done, you’ll be remembered as a business that really cared and helped people through these tough times.


5. Keep it positive and mind your tone of voice

Many people are currently feeling anxious, be sensitive to your community’s perspective. A good news story can make a great difference to lift moods and provide a break from their reality.  Inspiring quotes, memes, kind messages, poems, stories, art and music are several ways to share positivity. As they say 'laughter is the best medicine' - so if it keeps within your brand or company guidelines - share something funny that will lift spirits and provide some joy for the day!


In summary, social media is a great communication tool and an excellent way to keep your brand top-of-mind, even during Covid-19. Use it wisely however; remain relevant and sensitive - your audience will recognise when it’s not genuine or its for commercial benefit.
People need genuine help and need a sense of belonging. Aim to make your brand a beacon for people who need help, information, hope and even laughter.


READ MORE About our other blog: Top 5 marketing tips during COVID-19.