Our Top 10 reasons why Inbound Marketing is great for business

Written by Craig Edwards | Jul 6, 2018 12:30:00 AM

Back in the day, marketing was very disjointed with lots of things done in isolation. Not any more. With more and more digital / online marketing channels coming out of the wood works, it's of such importance now for them to be connected & integrated in some form or another. Marketing today (if done wrongly) can be very noisy and interruptive. However, now with inbound, you can be in front of a customer at the right time with the right solution, when they are searching for your offerings and even be ready to buy! 

Read more about out Inbound vs Outbound blog here


The power of inbound!

The Inbound Methodology comes from HubSpot itself, starting back in 2006. It has now grown as the No.1 Inbound Marketing & CRM machine.  

With a product like HubSpot, it's great for marketing, building greater brand awareness & trust, consolidated measuring, and ultimately continuous leads and sales! 


Below are our top 10 tips for using Inbound Marketing

  1. Your audience finds you for what is relevant for them – Be in front of them when they search for a product or service you provide that is the perfect solution for your audience.
  2. Drive more search traffic to your website. With far richer content for the web, audiences will find you more often which will ultimately lead to more website traffic and even lead conversions.
  3. More visibility online & presence - when prospects search or even social feeds, your business or brand is everywhere!
  4. Build authority & trust in your industry. The greater presence, the more likely your audience sees you as the 'go to guys'. Plus you also build credibility, authority and trust in the eyes of your audience and even your competitors.
  5. Out perform your competitors online - you will just 'own' the particular keywords and search terms for your industry.
  6. You 'attract' the right audience and customers.
  7. Marketing isn't about just stats anymore - we can lead them to an actual name & number for the sales team can make that warm or hot lead follow up call. Data is captured to the simple CRM to track all prospect to customer interactions.
  8. Lead customers through the Inbound method from 'just looking' right through to BUY stage.
  9. Lead nurture customers pre & post sale - to show that you care and are helping them at every step of the Journey.
  10. You'll have far greater ROI, because every marketing activity is tracked - so you can track ROI down to the channel, but also see what channel is getting far greater engagement than other channels - to then funnel more marketing funds into.

By using HubSpot as the engine, all marketing activities & campaigns are tracked & measured into ONE 'easy to use' PORTAL (do away with other costly single execution software that is hard to track). Such as Mailchimp, Unbounce, Google Adwords, Campaign Monitor, Hootsuite, and others etc.

Im sure your business has lots of content, ideas, solutions and tools that your audience wants to see / read - so start getting it out there and being found for it. Otherwise your competitors will! 

Be a Lead Magnet for your Brand!

PS. Why not get started with the Free CRM with Hubspot. Its free forever!
Test it out for yourself and see how hits to your website can be converted into a name and email for future sales prospects!